How Long Should You Casually Date Someone?

Doublelist Team

May 3, 2024 10 minutes read
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There’s a lot to love about casual dating. From the steamy makeout sessions to the spontaneous dates, it’s a great setup to get your excitement going. But when does it shift from that into something more serious? When is the time to meet the parents? These questions often float around laid-back dating scenarios. The main one is, how long should you casually date someone? 

Are you sick and tired of keeping things casual? You’re getting impatient; we get it! However, you don’t want to seem too eager! Casual dating is hard and triggers so many questions. In this blog, we’ll explore the nature of casual dating in more detail. Plus, we’ll look at how long you should wait before taking things to the next level. Let’s get into it. 

What Is Casual Dating? 

Are you enjoying someone’s company, sleeping together, and hanging out romantically, but not meeting their parents? Well, it sounds like you’ve landed in a causal relationship if we put a label on it! Casual dating vs friends with benefits, is there a difference? Casual dating is a laid-back approach to dating. It involves forming a physical and emotional connection with someone without the pressures and ties of a committed relationship. For example, you might have regular sex with someone without calling them your partner. It’s casual! 

Let’s say you’re freshly out of a long-term relationship. Are you looking for a rebound relationship? Maybe! Are you ready to dive into something serious straight away? Probably not. Instead, you might enjoy getting to know someone, going on dates, and spending time together. However, you’re not required to move in and get a dog together. 

DoubleList graphic of a happily smiling and dancing couple holding hands against a purple textured backdrop.

What Are the Benefits of Casual Dating?

The General Social Survey, a product of NORC at the University of Chicago, looks at casual relationships. According to the survey, 55% of respondents had previously engaged in a casual relationship. But what did all these people like about the dynamic so much?

Generally, the whole point of a causal relationship is that it’s exciting, enjoyable, and stress-free. Here are some more benefits of this laid-back approach:


Casual relationships are all about letting the other person and yourself enjoy freedom. Basically, you can have your cake and eat it; what’s not to like? When you casually date someone, you’re technically free to explore other options with other people. You’re not tied down or having to experience the pressures of committing to someone. So, you can enjoy spending time with a range of potential partners if you want! 


Do you want or need some self-discovery? You have the freedom and flexibility to work out what you want and don’t want in a partner. Think of it as shopping around! Because of the lack of ties, you can mingle with multiple people. If something doesn’t work for you, you’ll know for next time! 

Lack of Emotional Ties 

Even though a lot of casual relationships involve an emotional connection, it’s still less intense. When we have super strong feelings for someone, it can get a little messy. Plus, opening ourselves up to the possibility of heartbreak is scary! The lack of emotional ties means you can connect with someone but remain slightly detached. 

Are you feeling in the mood to start something casual? The benefits are great, we know! Casual dating is an extremely popular choice for these exact reasons. Not to mention the fun and excitement of dating someone you like. These benefits are all well and good, but is there a set time for them to fizzle out? When is it time to enter a relationship? It can’t remain this casual forever.

How Long Do Casual Relationships Last? 

Are you asking yourself, “How long do casual relationships last?” Deciding how long a casual dynamic lasts is really up to you and the other person. Unhelpful, we know! But only you can decide how long it feels right. According to the experts, casual relationships can last anywhere between a few weeks and three months. On average, they last three to four months. 

If your dynamic is exceeding the three-month mark, it might be time to reassess. Cue the awkward conversation! Do you feel that it’s time for your relationship to progress? If the other person isn’t making a move, you might have to question their intentions moving forward. They could have no intention of a long-term relationship. 

However, you might enjoy happily dating someone without the stress of commitment. If that’s the case, you don’t have to worry about those “Where is this going?” conversations. As long as you’re on the same page, you can remain as you are! 

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How Long Should You Casually Date Someone? 

If you’re wondering, “How long should you casually date someone?” Fear not! You’re not alone. This question is pretty common in the realm of dating. To put your mind at ease, we can safely say that every couple is different, and there are no rules. Plus, it’s totally up to you! However, the time you date someone might depend on a few personal preferences. Here are some factors to consider to help you decide:

1. Your Relationship Goals 

Relationship goals are different for us all. While one person might seek to find the love of their life, another might enjoy the fun of flings. How long you casually date someone might depend on future plans and what you want out of the relationship. For example, if you want something serious, you might want to commit sooner. Or, if you’re enjoying the laid-back arrangement and dating other people, prolong it! 

2. Your Feelings Towards Them 

Are you completely infatuated with your casual partner? Or is it taking some time?

Either way, this is quite a big factor when deciding how long you want to date someone. Do you think your feelings will grow and develop over time? Or are you already ready and waiting to take that step?

3. Logistics 

How long should you casually date before a relationship? There are actually a lot of circumstances that can interfere with dating. Whether you’re really busy at work or you’re moving house and experiencing a personal change, it can all contribute. If you’re busy, you might have less time for serious commitments. Or if you might have less time to date someone casually. This might draw out the period of getting to know each other! 

4. Chemistry

Chemistry is a huge factor when it comes to dating. Depending on the sparks, you might want to speed things along. In this case, you probably won’t want to wait out the casual dating situation. However, you might prefer to give the person some time and see if the chemistry comes. 

When deciding how long you should casually date someone, keep these factors in mind! It’s different for everyone, and all situations vary. So, think about how you feel, consider the logistics, and get a grasp of the chemistry levels. This will help you get a bit of a clearer idea of how long to keep it chill. 

DoubleList graphic collage featuring a woman and man kissing against a colorful, splattered backdrop.

How Often Should You See Someone You’re Casually Dating? 

Would you call yourself the needy type? Or do you like to play it cool? Either way, knowing how much to see someone casually is sometimes confusing. Am I coming on too strong? Will they think I’m obsessive? If I don’t make plans, will they think I’ve lost interest? The dating phase can make you overthink like there’s no tomorrow! 

A common question is, “How often should you see someone you’re casually dating?” Again, it all depends on the specific situation and yours and the person’s feelings. However, roughly twice a week is a good amount of time. Once on the weekend and once during the week. A hot date night and something more relaxed. This allows you enough time to form a connection but still keeps things casual and detached.

Depending on your situation, you could see the person only on weekends. Give yourself some time during the week to focus on yourself. You have the gift of flexibility, remember? Seeing someone twice or three times a week keeps up a good flow. Plus, it’s not a huge amount. So, don’t worry about coming on too strong! 

DoubleList graphic of a couple sitting on the couch laughing over coffee.

When Should You Stop Casual Dating? 

When should you stop casual dating? The laid-back dynamic can work wonders for a while. But, there comes a time when it’s time to progress or end it all together. Everyone is different, but there are some generic signs to look out for. Is it time to move on to a relationship? Or is it time to move on altogether? Here are some ideas that can help you decide:

1. Expectations 

Expectations during the dating phase are easy to misunderstand. If you don’t know what the other person is looking for, you can just assume. You can either have misaligned expectations or similar if you’re both on the same page about progressing forward; great! You can hopefully both move on to a relationship. Find out if they’re ready for commitment; if not, consider your options!

2. Lack of Fulfillment

Sometimes, casual just doesn’t do it for us anymore. It’s all fun and games at the start, but that can quickly fade. If you’re not getting what you want out of casualness anymore, it might be time to make other arrangements. You might feel a lack of fulfillment with your casual partner. You might want them to become your partner! If it’s starting to feel a little dry, listen to your gut! 

3. Lack of Communication 

A causal connection or sexual relationship often requires honest communication to stop it from becoming messy. For example, you might be under the impression that you’re in an exclusive relationship. The other person might not. Naturally, this can cause some issues. If you’re struggling with the lack of ties and exclusivity, it’s time to have a chat. You never know; after some healthy communication, you might find that they feel exactly the same! 

4. Change of Priorities

Priorities and expectations can change all the time. You might have liked the casual, laid-back freedom for a while, but are you craving commitment? If your priorities and preferences shift, you could find yourself longing for a relationship. The causal side of dating might no longer appeal to you, and you might want a romantic relationship instead. Casual encounters are fun for a while, but it’s normal to desire more. 

All in all, the decision to stop casual dating all comes down to you. The dynamic might seem fun at first, but as time goes on, it’s normal to want more. Remember that your well-being and happiness always come first, so prioritize yourself. Don’t keep things casual if you find yourself wanting more. 

Looking for a Fellow Casual Dater? Try DoubleList! 

Do you want to enter the world of casual dating and find a fun match to spend time with? Try DoubleList! Are you missing the days of Craigslist Personals? Look no further! DoubleList is all about casual encounters and steamy dates in your area. Relying on personal ads with no request is too much!
How long should you casually date someone? Well, getting a date is the first step. So sign up to DoubleList today and enjoy the thrill of casual. You never know where it might lead!

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