How To Make Money on OnlyFans as a Man: DoubleList’s Guide

Doublelist Team

September 12, 2023 12 minutes read
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If you’re looking for how to make money on OnlyFans as a man, you’ve come to the right place. You can use the platform to leverage your talents by selling exclusive feet photos, adult cosplay videos, and other content.

OnlyFans is an online subscription service that allows creators to monetize and sell their work. With OnlyFans, you can create adult content, such as videos, and sell them to fans who pay a monthly subscription. Everyone can use OnlyFans, from influencers to adult entertainment performers. There has been an increase in males working on OnlyFans. 50% of them are from the US, Europe, and Australia. With this, many men are beginning to turn to OnlyFans as an additional source of income.

If selling or promoting adult content isn’t your thing, there’s no need to panic. There are several ways to earn through OnlyFans by sharing content that speaks directly to your target audience.

From exclusive content to affiliate marketing, here is how to make money on OnlyFans as a man.

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How To Make Money on OnlyFans as a Man: Niche Down

Once you have created your OnlyFans account, consider what type of content you want to create. While OnlyFans is widely used for adult content, there are other content options if you are uncomfortable. Many male influencers and fitness coaches use OnlyFans as an outlet for clients. This includes sharing exclusive content, such as workout videos or coaching, via direct messages.

However, if you want to create adult content, go for it! According to statistics, over 98% of content on OnlyFans is adult content. In 2023, men account for 30% of adult content creators, which is an increase from 20% in 2022.

Whatever content you decide to create, consider your target audience. Are you targeting women, men, or both? As a guy, you might create content that may attract a female audience. Or you might decide to center on a gay audience, creating gay content that may attract a male audience.

If you want content that’s sexy and will keep them coming back for more, here are two things to consider.

Understanding Your Boundaries as an OnlyFans Curator

Are you wondering how to make money on OnlyFans as a man? Before you get to the good stuff and decide what content to create, consider your boundaries. What are you willing to do? What are you not willing to do? Do you only want to create solo content, or are you open to a male or female partner? Once you understand your limits and what exactly you’d be willing to create, finding your niche will be easier.

How To Discover Your Target Audience & What They Want To See

Now that you know your limitations, do some research on your target audience. Are you trying to hook your target audience? Do you want to get their attention, tease them, and make them come back for more? Of course, you do! Knowing your audience and what exactly turns them on is key. What type of content do they enjoy? What other creators are they frequently engaging with?

Understanding this is crucial to finding your niche. You want to create content that targets your specific audience whilst not pushing yourself beyond your limitations. If you’re not comfortable, simply don’t do it.

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How To Make Money on OnlyFans as a Man: Types of Niches

There are countless potential niches for male OnlyFans creators. Here are a few:

  • Fitness/bodybuilding.
  • Cooking: Have you ever considered naked cooking?
  • Naughty characters: roleplay as a teacher, doctor, nurse, fireman, etc.
  • Close-up shots of yourself.

If it’s within your limitations and speaks directly to your target audience, you’ve got yourself a niche!

How To Make Money on OnlyFans as a Man: Exclusive Content

The easiest way how to make money on OnlyFans as a man is to create exclusive content. Creators can set their page to be free or paid, and fans then pay to access the exclusive content. There are two options for exclusive content:

  • Set up a paid page: People can pay a monthly fee to access your page and see your exclusive content.
  • Set up a free page: Free to subscribe, and people pay to access exclusive content.

The prices you decide to charge are up to you. Typically, subscriptions start at $5/month and $5 to $10 for 60-second-long videos.

With a free profile, you’ll be able to set the price for every individual piece of content. As a creator, you keep 80% of your subscription earnings; the other 20% goes to OnlyFans for fees.

Be Creative: Share High-Quality Content on OnlyFans

Now that you know how to make money on OnlyFans as a man, it’s time for content. Creating content that stands out will earn you more followers and income.

The first step is to ensure your content is unique: offer something people won’t find elsewhere. Consider researching other creators in your niche and what they offer. Ask yourself, what content has the highest engagement rate? Consider creating tutorials to give value to subscribers or personalized content.

If your niche specializes in characters, such as a kinky doctor, entice your audience with a plot and character development.  Moreover, listen to your audience. What are your subscribers commenting or sharing about your content? Are they offering suggestions or requests? Take all of this into consideration because engaging with your audience is key. Experiment with different types of content: use music or voiceovers to boost emotionality.

Ultimately, you want an online personality that people want to follow. Make sure your content is engaging and encourages subscribers to return.

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How To Make Money on OnlyFans as a Man: Grow Your Audience

So, you know your niche, set up a page, and have started sharing high-quality content. Now it’s time to market and build your OnlyFans audience. When considering how to make money on OnlyFans as a man, you must treat it like a business.

Marketing is key. Marketing your content through OnlyFans is simple: maximize exposure by engaging with others. This can be commenting on and sharing posts and following relative users.

As noted above, understanding your audience is crucial. Keep up to date with trends and topics that your target audience is engaging with. Research popular hashtags amongst other creators in your niche and track your OnlyFans analytics. You can access your account to view which posts have had positive or negative responses.

This includes views, comments, and subscriptions. This will give you an understanding of what content has been best received by your audience. Creating more of that content will increase outreach and please followers.

Thanks to the digital age of social media, there are several other ways you can market your OnlyFans. The best way to promote your OnlyFans is by using social media and collaborating with other creators. Here’s how to promote your profile if you are looking at how to make money as a man on OnlyFans.

Promote Your OnlyFans on X

X is most popular amongst creators, being the only social platform that OnlyFans directly connects users to. Unlike other social media platforms, X has lenient policies for posting adult content. However, as an X-rated content creator, you must change your X profile settings and label your account as sensitive. Select privacy and safety, and mark content as sensitive.

Currently, OnlyFans Hero is the largest promotional page on X, with over 200 thousand followers. There are several hashtags commonly used amongst creators on X, such as #OnlyFansNewbie or niche-specific tags. You can also make use of paid or unpaid shoutouts from other OnlyFans creators on X.

Search for creators with a large following and ask them for a shoutout. Some may charge a fee, while others may do it for free. This can be a great way to target a niche-specific audience whilst opening the potential for collaborations with notable creators.

It’s also a good idea to share snippets of your OnlyFans content. That way, potential subscribers have an idea of what they will receive before purchasing.

How To Make Money on OnlyFans as a Man: Use Reddit

Given the large audience on Reddit, it should be at the top of your list when promoting your OnlyFans profile. Search for relevant subreddits to access the right audience: there is a subreddit for everyone. The search takes minutes, all you have to do is conduct effective searching. For example, if you are a foot model selling exclusive feet photos, search for subreddits like r/feetcontent or r/feetpics.

From there, post teasers and highlights of your content and invite Reddit users to subscribe to your OnlyFans account. Additionally, you can give OnlyFans subscribers who joined through Reddit a discount or a subscription fee swipe-off.

Direct Messages: Interact With Your OnlyFans Audience

Another effective way to grow your audience is to interact with the one you already have! Reply to direct messages from your subscribers. Create standard responses that you message to all your fans, thanking them for subscribing and being part of your community. Additionally, offer to answer any questions they may have and include a link to your social media accounts.

When you receive a direct message, be sure to reply with thoughtful responses that suggest that you appreciate their interest. Additionally, you can make special offers through direct messages, including custom selfies and video shoutouts. One of the best ways to make money on OnlyFans is by providing personalized content via direct messaging. Fans can pay for personalized content. You can share this content directly with them or on your public profile.

How To Make Money on OnlyFans as a Man: Potential Earnings

Are you wondering how to make money on OnlyFans as a man and how much you can earn? The amount you make on OnlyFans depends on what you offer, subscription prices, and exclusive content.

On average, male content creators earn between $1500 and $7500 per month on OnlyFans. To start, you may choose to charge small subscription fees as you continue to grow your audience. However, as your audience grows and you begin making a name for yourself, you can increase your prices appropriately.

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How To Make Money on OnlyFans as a Man: More Income Streams

47% of OnlyFans creators in 2023 have a second job. However, aside from offering a subscription service and exclusive content, there are several ways to earn on OnlyFans. Let’s take a look at a few.

Create an Amazon Wishlist

An Amazon Wishlist is a list of products that fans can purchase for you. You can include items on the wishlist that you will use for content creation. This can reduce your costs as long as someone buys the items for you!

Once you’ve made the list, share it with your followers. Just be sure to encourage fans to view the list and avoid begging. Remind them of the great content they can access and how their gifts help.

How To Make Money on OnlyFans as a Man: Sell Merchandise

If you have gained a reasonable subscription base and are looking for some additional income through OnlyFans, consider selling merchandise. This could include t-shirts, mugs, and hats.

Additionally, you could sell digital products such as videos or audio. This could include personalized photos or videos. You can choose to offer these types of services for an additional cost or even offer them as a gift. This is a great way for fans to get more intimate access to your content. It also demonstrates your appreciation for their support.

With a bit of creativity, you can unleash a new income revenue. You can even create physical copies of your content or photos, such as mugs and postcards.

How To Make Money on OnlyFans as a Man: Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is popular on most platforms, including OnlyFans. It’s a great way for men to make an additional profit through OnlyFans. With affiliate marketing, you can earn a commission by promoting another brand’s product or even the OnlyFans platform itself.

All you need to do is sign up for an affiliate program and apply to promote their products. This could be an online sex shop or another creator’s service. When one of your fans clicks on the link you have shared, you will receive a percentage of the sale.

What percentage you get depends on the program you sign up for. With the OnlyFans affiliate program, you will receive 5% of all income from users who sign up using your link.

As this form of marketing requires little effort, it’s a great way to increase your income on OnlyFans. However, be sure only to promote content that your audience will enjoy and that you believe in.

How To Make Money on OnlyFans as a Man: To Sum Up

You should now have a better understanding of how to make money on OnlyFans as a man. From sharing exclusive content to personalized merchandise, there are several ways to earn money on OnlyFans as a man. Before sharing your content, make sure to consider your limitations.

While OnlyFans may be a reliable income stream, don’t feel pressured to share content you are uncomfortable with. If you are happy creating adult content, go for it! If not, other content options have proven successful on the platform.

Either way, learning how to make money on OnlyFans as a man can be an excellent additional revenue stream.

If you’re interested in finding like-minded people, you may want to check out DoubleList. It’s an online dating platform where people connect online and discuss all kinds of topics. It could be a great place to ask another OnlyFans creator for some advice! Sign up to DoubleList today and join over 3 million users!

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