Online Personals: How They’ve Shaped the Dating World

Doublelist Team

May 20, 2024 13 minutes read
Connect with straight, gay, bi and curious!

If you’re familiar with the dating world, you’ve probably heard of online personals before. Personals are quite different from traditional ways of finding dates, and their direct approach takes some getting used to! If you’re looking for a modern-day romance, it’s worth trying them out. But how different are they from other ways of online dating? Do they guarantee success? 

Online dating is daunting; we totally get it! Putting yourself out there to get a steamy date or a hookup for the evening feels a bit unnatural. However, personals are ideal for getting straight to the point and skipping that awkward small talk phase. Do you want to know more? Let’s get into it! 

DoubleList graphic of lesbian couple embracing in a busy club scene featuring people in unicorn head masks.

What Are Online Personals? 

Before we go any further, it’s worth taking some time to explore online personals and what they actually are. They’re essentially personal ads that state directly what a person is looking for. For example, someone might say, “looking for a casual encounter with an older man.” 

Or, “I want to dive into kink culture; I need a partner.” Yes, they really are that direct! 

The whole point of the personals is getting to the point. Less of the small talk and asking each other’s favorite color, plan that date! For some people, this direct way of communication with online strangers is ideal as it cuts straight to the chase. For others, it takes a bit of getting used to. That’s fine, too! 

The personals also tend to include some information about the person posting. For example, they might share their name, age, or even some photos. The main body of the personal will include sexual desires or dating preferences. This way, it’s easier for someone to see potential in you and respond. Plus, if you’re browsing other ads, it helps you know if someone is a good match! 

DoubleList graphic featuring a hand with dark skin tone and a hand with light skin tone holding hands in a heart cut out.

Online Personal Ads: Unpacking Their History 

Thanks to the internet, it’s easier than ever to connect with people all over the world. For all the daters out there, online personal ads open up a pool of opportunity. It’s very exciting! However, this luxury wasn’t always the case. 

In the 1800s and 1900s, singles used newspapers to write personal ads to capture the attention of others. These ads would normally include the person’s age and what they wanted from a lover. Many of the ads of the time stated that they wanted someone with a car, a kind heart, and money. Some things never change! 

Single people would go to a marriage advertising agency, which would then write the ads for the newspaper. So, anyone reading who liked the sound or concept of someone would get in touch. In comparison to the dating apps and sites today, the ads aren’t necessarily that different! The people in the paper would state the type of relationship they wanted and their ideal partner. 

Business Insider shares some actual ads from the 19th century, showing readers real-life personal ads from singles. One ad from October 23rd, 1898, states, “I sacrificed youth, dread a lonely future, seek husband and true companion.” So, they’re really not that different from what we’d see now! 

DoubleList Korean inspired graphic of various hetero couples smiling and showing affection against a purple backdrop.

Craigslist’s Influence on Online Personals 

The success of these ads has paved the way for daters ever since. The direct approach was a simple way of getting someone’s attention; it makes sense! Of course, times have changed, and we rely on the internet to recreate similar situations. 

You might know of the long-lost Craigslist Personals section that many daters found really useful for finding companions online. In 1995, Craig Newmark began a website that helped connect people in the local area. From jobs to real estate, anyone could use a personal ad to find what they were looking for. The site soon realized how popular dating was this way and introduced the “Personals” section. 

Here, people looking for a whole range of dating situations or preferences would post their ad. From casual hookups to finding a husband, the limit did not exist! People could find fellow singles in their local area and plan to meet up. This was ideal for fast and easy dating situations. 

Unfortunately, the section is no longer because of privacy concerns and the Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act passed in 2018. The site experienced concerns about the section, and closing it altogether felt necessary. For many people, this left them feeling high and dry. How would they find dates now? Other sites soon emerged as Craigslist alternatives to help people who were looking to date! 

DoubleList graphic of a watercolor eggplant chasing a watercolor peach symbolizing intimate acts against a purple backdrop.

The Benefits of Online Personals for Dating: The Perks of Passion 

If you want a true, modern-day romance, personals actually have plenty of perks. There’s a reason they’re still around! The singles of the 19th century have set the tone, and you can experience the benefits of them yourself! But what are they? Here are some ideas:

1. They’re Very Accessible 

Online personal ads are really accessible, making it easy for people to just find a date from home. You really can just spend some time browsing to see if anything catches your eye. You don’t need to spend hours in a bar trying to see if anyone gives you that spark. Furthermore, the ads being so accessible opens you up to a wider dating pool. More options can mean more luck! 

DoubleList graphic of an eggplant squirting white liquid on two open peach halves against a red and purple backdrop.

2. You Can Get to the Point 

There is no time for beating around the bush if you’re writing a personal ad. You don’t have the room for that! Instead, you can be as direct as you like. This will help you end up with what you’re looking for, too. When writing a personal ad, being concise is essential. Once you master that, you can skip the small talk and get to it. 

3. It’s an Efficient Way To Meet People

On dating apps, it’s sometimes a challenge to work out what people are actually looking for. Traditional dating apps require a lot of “getting to know each other” chat, but personal ads don’t need so much. You know from the get-go what a person is looking for, and they’ll know that about you. 

4. They’re Flexible 

If you’re really busy with work or in your personal life, you might not have time for dating. If you’re using personals to satisfy your dating needs, you can pick and choose when suits you the best. You can just use the ads to fit around your schedule. So, if you want a one-night stand one week or a romantic date the next, you’re free to do so! 

There are plenty of benefits that come alongside using personals in your dating life. It’s really just a convenient, accessible, and easy way to meet new people. You don’t need to spend ages filtering through small talk, and you can just get right to it! Are you ready to try some out for yourself? 

DoubleList graphic of a woman's hands and legs embracing a male bare torso with textured paper cutouts symbolizing hookups.

Free Online Personals: Go Get Those Dates 

Whether you’re looking for a casual encounter, a threesome, or a partner, personal ads can help you find that! The question is, where do you go to find one? Luckily, there are plenty of free online personal dating sites for you to try out. You can skip the small talk and get straight into dating, all without spending a thing! 

Here are some free online personals:

1. DoubleList 

DoubleList is a Craigslist-inspired dating site that’s all about personal ads. The site is really open-minded, catering to a vast range of preferences and desires. When you sign up for the site, you can select your location and choose a category. From women seeking men to women for couples, it’s totally up to you. 

On DoubleList, you’re free to explore even your wildest dreams. From threesomes to kink culture, steamy dates, and more, it’s all there waiting for you. The site also has lots of active users, meaning you’re never short of choice. Just keep checking your messages for responses, and get browsing or posting those personal ads! 

2. Adult Friend Finder 

Adult Friend Finder is for everyone and anyone seeking sexual encounters. The sex-orientated site is really popular and caters to everyone looking for fun. Not only can you use the site to find matches, but you can also enjoy the sexual content. From live webcams to video chats, you’ll most certainly not be bored! 

While you can enjoy the site for free, there are limited options. You can, however, upgrade to the premium version to access more features. However, you’re free to be as direct and open as you like in your ad; the site encourages it! Just be mindful of fake profiles, as they’re often a minor issue on this site! 

3. Ashley Madison 

Ashley Madison is for people who want to have affairs. The nature of the site makes it a thrilling place to explore desires, as there’s not a lot of judgment. The site’s motto is “Life is short. Have an affair.” It really does speak for itself! 

The site is for anyone seeking casual dating encounters, so if you want something serious, look elsewhere. It’s all about discreet hookups and raunchy rendezvous here! It’s important to note that men using the platform are required to pay; women are not! 

4. Reddit

Reddit is a super popular online platform, and like Craigslist, it caters to a wide range of topics and sections. There are tons of subreddits on the platform, and dating happens to be one of them! On the dating subreddit, it’s just like posting an ad on Craigslist! You don’t have to pay to sign up for Reddit, so you’re free to post and browse as you wish. 

The great thing about using Reddit for dating is that due to its popularity, the dating pool is large. This opens you up to a whole range of possibilities and options. So you don’t have to worry about limiting your search or shying away from your preferences. 

5. Pernals 

Pernals is a self-proclaimed Craislist-inspired site, relying on personal ads to help people find connections. On this site, you can select the category you want to date and create a personal ad expressing your preferences. You can be as direct as you like and express your internal desires. Whether you want casual hookups or even a friend, you can use your ad to express all of this. 

6. Bedpage 

Bedpage is a Backpage alternative, a site that’s all about personal ads and casual encounters. You can choose your category and go after the dating experience that you want. The site also has “Dating” and “Adult” sections, which are specifically for people seeking less commitment. You can also choose from the other categories to find your preference and create your ad to get someone’s attention! 

If you feel like diving into the dating pool of casual encounters, try out these online dating sites! They’re all aimed at people seeking a direct approach to dating, ideal for personal ads. Whether you’re browsing or posting, you can enjoy these alternative websites to Craigslist and find a match! 

DoubleList graphic of cucumber with a cartoon face and arms kissing a man laying on a bed symbolizing gay dating.

Gay Personals Online: Dating in the Gay Community 

For the gay community, online personals are a great way of connecting. They bring like-minded people together and offer a space for exploration and fun. From serious relationships to one-night stands, there are plenty of options for gay personals online. 

The Craigslist Personals section was known to be a standout place for the LGBTQ+ community to explore their preferences. The site created an online space that was inclusive and open-minded. By posting personal ads within specific categories, people in the gay community could openly communicate with people from all over. 

Despite Craigslist’s Personals section closing down, there are some alternatives. Here are some ideas:

1. Locanto 

Locanto looks and operates in a really similar way to Craigslist. The site has a “Casual encounters” section with different subcategories to explore. So, the gay community can create and browse ads within the section that suits their preferences. Like Craigslist, the more direct the ads are, the better chance you’ll have of a response. Anyone can use Locanto, thanks to the categories, and everyone is free to explore. 

2. Oodle 

Like Locanto, Oodle operates in a similar way to Craigslist. The site is all about personal ads and using ads to state direct dating intentions. With the different categories, users can follow their own desires and be open about their preferences. The site also has some filters so you can narrow down your search. 

DoubleList graphic of a lesbian couple smiling and leaning on each other in front of a collaged background.

3. Grindr 

According to Grindr, it has more than 13 million active monthly users, so you won’t be short of choice! Grindr is an online dating site catering to gay men and members of the LGBTQ+ community. The app uses your location to find people near you, so you don’t have to trek very far! 

It’s important to keep in mind, though, that the site caters more to the casual daters of the world. If you’re looking for something serious, maybe try elsewhere! 

4. Classified Ads

Classified Ads gives a lot away by just its name. It’s a classified ads platform where people post personal ads to find like-minded people. When you get onto the website, you just need to select the “Personals” option. From there, you’re free to explore the different categories and browse the other ads. Or, create your own and get your dating fix. 

Like Craigslist, the options on this site are endless. Once you’ve created your personal ad, sit back, relax, and wait for the responses to roll in. 

If you’re part of the gay community, there are lots of places online you can try. By selecting the category that fits your preferences, you can interact with like-minded people. Remember, no request is too much, and a direct approach is key! So, work out what you want, put it in your ad, and go for it! 

Explore Online Personals With DoubleList! 

DoubleList is your knight in shining armor when it comes to a Craigslist alternative. The site knows the benefits of personal ads and this direct approach to dating. Beginning with advertisements in newspapers in the 19th century and changing the way we approach dating today, personals are excellent! 
At DoubleList, we know just how effective online personals are and the many opportunities they bring. Are you looking to explore the online dating pool in a direct and fun way? If so, check out DoubleList and go get those responses!

Unlock your wildest fantasies and connect with locals today!

Connect with straight, gay, bi and curious!