How To Prepare for a Hookup: 16 Hot Tips for Gettin’ It On

Doublelist Team

June 29, 2023 10 minutes read
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Fasten your seatbelts, dear pleasure seekers! We’re about to uncover the top tips on how to prepare for a hookup.

Mastering hookups guarantees unforgettable experiences in bed, whether it’s your first or millionth time. At the end of the day, sex is all about pleasure and unleashing your wildest desires. So, why not sprinkle some spice into it?

Follow these hookup tips to create a momentous moment with your sexual partner.

Hookup Preparation 101: Operation Fresh Breath

The first tip on how to prepare for a hookup is to keep your breath fresh. Nothing kills the mood faster than bad breath.

Hookups are spontaneous. Who knows, you might have one right after dinner. And no. No one wants your mouth to smell like garlic. Yikes!

Gum or mouthwash can make your kiss a million times better. Plus, you want to have those goodnight smooches. Make sure to always carry it with you in a small bag.

How To Prepare for a Hookup by Making the First Move

It’s time to debunk an ancient myth: Guys will not always make the first move. Some girls are dominant, which many guys find irresistible.

Others prefer to wait, building up the tension. But guess what? You set the rules. So don’t hesitate in making the first move regardless of who you are.

Are you worried about society’s bogus norms? Forget them!


How To Prepare for a Hookup: Mastering Calmness

Listen up; it’s sex, not an Oscar Award show. Yes, it’s fun, but don’t get too excited.

This can lead to you being more susceptible to anxiety. And, well, you can already imagine how poorly you’ll perform in bed. Many individuals overlook this step when learning how to prepare for a hookup.

So, take a few deep breaths and relax yourself. You will be set for the most amazing sex life by the end of this article.

Elevate Your Hookup Game by Activating “Airplane Mode”

When you’re in the middle of a pleasurable endeavor, you don’t want those annoying vibrations from your phone.

It’s a big turn-off! So, before you form any tension with your sexual partner, ensure that you switch your phone off. You want your time to be peaceful and free of distractions.

How To Prepare for a Hookup With Engaging Touch

Let your fingers weave through their hair. It’s a simple yet powerful move that can work wonders. Why, you ask? Well, who doesn’t adore the soothing sensation of fingers running through their hair?

But that’s not all! Hair play also serves as a brilliant solution for the age-old problem of “What do I do with my hands?”

Instead of awkwardly fumbling about, you can engage in this delightful tactile dance with your sexual partner. It will keep your hands occupied and add a layer of intimacy to the experience.

Hookup Safety: The Key To Perfect Encounters

It’s time for the most important hookup tip.  Whether your idea of a hookup is a steamy encounter or a wild adventure, let’s talk about the key ingredient: hookup safety.

Now, pay close attention because here’s the secret sauce to learning how to prepare for a hookup — protection! Never forget to carry female or male condoms with you. They are the superheroes of your pleasure as they ensure your sex remains both protected and exhilarating.

Don’t forget, even if you or your partner are on birth control, condoms are still the only STI prevention.

Pro Tip: Always bring in extras, just in case it gets wild!

Hookup Tips: Flush Out Risks, Level up the Pleasure

This is among the most important hookup tips for women: pee before and after sex.  We’ve all heard the importance of visiting the bathroom after sex to prevent painful urinary tract infections. However, did you know that relieving your bladder before the act is just as crucial?

According to Hilda Hutcherson, M.D., when stale urine lingers in your bladder, it creates a breeding ground for bacteria to multiply. That’s why it’s essential to start with a clean bladder.

And if you’re prone to bladder infections, don’t stop there. Make sure to urinate again within an hour after sex to further reduce the risk.

By prioritizing bladder hygiene, you pave the way to post-sex comfort and a happier, healthier you. Remember the two-step process: a clean bladder before and a post-sex visit to the bathroom. Your body will thank you!

How To Prepare for a Hookup With Confidence and Style

Another vital element in learning how to prepare for a hookup comes down to your style.

When it comes to dressing, go for clothes that are easy to take off and put on. Avoid excessive buttons, clasps, or zippers that may hinder the flow of the moment. (Unless that’s part of your foreplay, of course.)

Keep it effortless and smooth. And underneath your outfit, choose something enticing and sexy.

Dress not only for practicality but also for your comfort and confidence. Find something that makes you feel at ease yet exudes a touch of sensuality.

When you’re comfortable and feeling a little sexy, you’ll feel more confident and hence perform well.

How To Prepare for a Hookup With Cleanliness

Here’s a good rule of thumb: clean people are sexy people. Fortunately, there are certain ways you can achieve this.

It all starts with an essential ritual: Showering. A hot shower is a simple but sometimes forgotten step when preparing for a hookup. Being clean for your partner is courteous. They’ll appreciate it, and they’ll show it.

Want to level up on how to prepare for a hookup? Add a touch of aroma by putting on a sexy perfume!

The Mesmerizing Power of Eye Contact

Being flirty is a core part of learning how to prepare for a potential hookup. Eye contact is sexy and a powerful tool to reveal your interest in the most alluring and discreet way.

It’s a great strategy to be flirtatious and subtle simultaneously. During a passionate encounter, when you need a breath, don’t just pull away. Give them a teasing glance, and bite your lips. That is a big turn-on! Let your eyes speak volumes of longing and intimacy.

How To Prepare for a Hookup: Avoiding the Spit Sisters Problem

The infamous spit sisters: Shared experiences with friends can bring fun, but don’t forget the complications that can arise!

Hookups can stir up a whirlwind of emotions and sometimes even pave the way to dating. Imagine the awkwardness if you find yourself dating someone your best friend has hooked up with. This is especially true if you or your friend are prone to jealousy or prefer to keep things monogamous.

Unless you and your friends possess extraordinary communication skills and excel at sharing, it’s best to avoid sharing sexual partners.

It’s a path riddled with pitfalls that can strain even the strongest of friendships.


How To Prepare for a Hookup: Quench Your Thirst

When you’re in the middle of a steamy makeout session, you’ll realize how sweaty you’ll start to get.

If you want to truly master the art of how to prepare for a hookup, hydrate. It ensures you stay cooler for longer. You may very well be out after the first round if you’re not hydrated. Likewise, you don’t want to have dry blowjobs or kisses.

Don’t mistake hydration for alcohol—drunk hookups do just the opposite. Alcohol decreases sexual arousal and sensation for many people, and excessive drinking might lead to poor decisions. Plus you may end up forgetting the good bits too!

Pro Tip: Try a sports drink, such as Gatorade, or just regular water before going all in. It will provide you with enough energy to last several rounds!

How To Prepare for a Hookup: Spice up the Mood!

The mood is an important component in how to prepare for a hookup. If you’ve invited someone over to your place, there are certain ways you can set the right mood.

The ambiance is the first and foremost step: dim down the lights and make sure you’re somewhere private and comfortable.

Next, play a piece of soothing background music. It’s scientifically proven that soothing music can relax your nerves. If you’re relaxed, your partner will also feel more at ease. You can then focus on having a good time and forgetting the nerves.

Honesty Is the Ultimate Hookup Tip for Casual Encounters

Another pro hookup tip is honesty. It’s the golden key to a satisfying and healthy experience. It’s crucial to communicate openly about what you’re looking for.

Do you crave a romantic date or simply a casual encounter? And within the realm of casual fun, what exactly sparks your interest?

Before having sex, take a moment to have a conversation so that you’re both on the same page. By doing so, you’ll minimize awkwardness and maximize enthusiastic consent and pleasure.

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Places to Hookup: Your Place or Mine?

If you’re meeting someone for a hookup, make sure to determine where the encounter is taking place. The last thing you want is miscommunication, and you end up missing out on a hookup.

Be clear about whether the hookup is taking place at your place or theirs. This allows you to enjoy the evening as you know where you’re going after.

There are plenty of places to hook up other than each other’s places. It depends on how creative and freaky you and your partner want to get.

How To Prepare for a Hookup: Don’t Fret Over Your Height!

Here’s a secret: embracing your size is a hookup game-changer. Whether you’re tall or short, there are several advantages to explore, when learning how to prepare for a hookup.

Tall individuals effortlessly indulge in passionate standing make-outs, while shorter folks might get an unexpected leg workout.

The world’s filled with people of all shapes and sizes, so don’t panic about meeting someone who likes your stature.

Instead, own your unique stature and unleash the confidence that accompanies it. Your size is your power, and embrace it with pride!


What Next After Learning How To Prepare for a Hookup?

Did these tips stimulate your craving for having sex right away? Now that you’ve mastered preparing for a hookup let’s get you hooked up!

Through DoubleList’s easy-to-use platform, finding your sexual partner is easier than ever.

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We have a quick and easy registration process that’ll set you up with an anonymous account in minutes.

The free account is a great starting point to browse through enticing profiles and send messages. However, you can only text a limited number of times per day.

If you’re feeling lucky, you can unlock additional features by subscribing to our package for as low as $10. The paid version gives you access to a larger number of posts and messages daily so you’re much more likely to get lucky. (And when that time comes, you’ll know exactly how to prepage for a hookup!)

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