How To Be a Maneater: Embrace Sensuality With Confidence

Doublelist Team

September 7, 2023 9 minutes read
Connect with straight, gay, bi and curious!

She goes by many names: the femme fatale, the seductress, the maneater. Harsher terms for the same type of woman include Jezebel and mantrap. Whatever you call her, if you flip this term on its head, it’s not really an insult. A maneater is the female version of a player, a woman who knows what she wants. She’ll also do whatever she can to get it. If you want to learn how to be a maneater, this guide is for you.

Whether your end goal is to become more confident on dates or to have fun, this guide will help you. First, you need to understand why your goal is to become a maneater. Then, you can start practicing the characteristics that will turn you into a temptress.

Here’s everything you need to know about being a maneater.

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Before You Learn How To Be a Maneater, Ask Yourself Why

Perhaps you were inspired by Nelly Furtado’s 2006 hit Maneater. We get it – it’s a powerful song for tapping into your feminine energy! Or, perhaps you’re tired of being screwed over by guys on dates and want some power back for yourself. However, it’s important to ask yourself why you want to be a maneater.

This lifestyle is not for everyone. It involves lots of socializing, casual sex, and detachment. If you’re not sure why you’re doing it, you may find yourself with some uncomfortable feelings in the process.

So, before you learn how to be a maneater, take some time to think. You need to consider what it is that draws you to this lifestyle. For many women, it’s an act of feminism and defiance. The male equivalent is the player, a man who sleeps with many women and has a certain confidence and charisma. His peers praise and envy him. However, for women who sleep with many men, the societal view is much less forgiving.

Why should men have all the fun?!

Other women become maneaters simply because they want to. There’s no motive behind it, but they are naturally magnetic to men, and they enjoy casual dating.

Whatever your reasoning is, it’s important to think about your desires. After all, there’s no point trying to be a maneater if deep down you want to find Mr. Right and settle down. It’s all about doing what’s best for you.

How To Be a Maneater: Learn These Characteristics

The first lesson in how to be a maneater is understanding what one is. There are certain characteristics that most maneaters possess, namely being seductive.

  • Confident: A maneater calls the shots. She is not afraid of being called ‘bossy,’ and she wears the pants in her relationships. Her confidence is often her most obvious attribute.
  • Unimpressed: Most maneaters are difficult to impress. This is a key attribute that endears them to men who are eager to impress their dates. Since the maneater is challenging and unattainable, he has to try harder.
  • Enigmatic: Maneaters are notoriously difficult to pin down. When multiple men are texting them, they’re likely to ignore them for days. Men chase her, but she flits in and out of their lives.
  • Casual: Crucially, maneaters treat their relationships as utterly casual. They do not commit to a man under any circumstances and often pursue multiple men at once.
  • Magnetic: The most successful maneaters are women who are naturally magnetic. In other words, they have a certain charisma that attracts people to them. Men want her, and women envy her.
  • Guy’s girl: Many maneaters know exactly how to behave around men. Whether it’s potential dates or just friends, they know how to talk confidently to men. She’s one of the guys, and that’s what makes her so appealing. However, plenty of femme fatales are girl’s girls, too.

You don’t have to fit into a box to be a maneater. You can embrace your sexual identity and femininity in whichever way you choose. However, mastering these attributes will have you well on your way to becoming a maneater.

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How To Be a Maneater: Follow These Steps

If you’re excited about the journey of becoming a seductress, then there are some steps you can follow. Generally, being a maneater is something that should feel natural. Once you learn how to embrace your confidence and exude sexuality, everything else falls into place.

Here’s how to be a maneater in four easy steps.

Step 1: Unleash Your Inner Confidence

You can’t be a femme fatale without confidence. Therefore, if you want to know how to be a maneater, confidence is the first step.

Self-confidence is important in several aspects of our lives, from careers to relationships. In fact, according to Gitnux, both men and women frequently cite confidence as the most attractive quality in a partner.

Fortunately, there are several ways to raise your self esteem.

  • Recognize what you’re good at, and don’t be afraid to praise yourself.
  • Spend time with people who love you and recognize your positive attributes.
  • Take care of yourself. Exercise, treat yourself, and make yourself feel good.
  • Take care of your mental wellbeing by journaling or meditating.

After you have the basics of self-esteem, you can work on confidence in relationships. Make sure you release expectations, know your worth, and identify your needs. That way, you’ll be ready to start dating.

Step 2: Embrace Pleasure and Desire

A strong sense of sexuality is key to being a seductress. You need to own your sexuality! If you want to embrace the confident sexuality of a maneater, you need to define it on your own terms.

Forget what society says about female sexuality. Instead, define what it means for you. You can learn how to be a maneater by figuring out what you like and what turns you on. Try figuring this out by exploring your own body. Buy yourself lingerie and try taking sexy boudoir-style photos just for you.

On one level, these activities boost your self-esteem by acquainting you with your body. However, they also help you figure out what you might want in casual relationships, ensuring you have a good time.

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Step 3: Respect Yourself and Others

Before you start to put yourself out there, it’s crucial that you understand the rules of the game. Although maneaters are casual daters who might play the field, you can still treat people with respect.

For some people, it feels powerful to play with the emotions of others. However, this is not kind or respectful to your fellow daters. Putting others down to improve your own confidence might feel good, but it is not a substitute for real self-esteem.

You can learn how to be a maneater in a healthy way by practicing communication. Make it clear with your dates that you’re not looking for something serious rather than leading them on. You can still be enigmatic, magnetic, and alluring without having to lie. Although this might seem difficult, it’s something you can master over time.

Step 4: Meet Men and Have Fun!

Finally, it’s time to meet men. Once you understand how to be a maneater, you can start to have fun by going on dates. It’s easy to get started by joining online dating sites. Opt for sites known for casual and open-minded relationships, like Tinder or DoubleList.

Dating apps and hookup sites are great places to meet people. However, you should also put yourself out there in the real world. You can try to meet local singles online, which can also give you some flirting practice via chat rooms.

That said, there’s nothing quite like the thrill of meeting in person! Make sure you engage in safe casual dating practices.

Please note that being a femme fatale might not come instantly. You might face a couple of rejections here and there, but don’t let it knock your confidence. The entire point of being a maneater is to be confident and have fun. So, let yourself be carefree and flirt with whomever you please.

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How To Be a Maneater: Why Empowerment Is Important

In many ways, being a maneater is all about self-empowerment. It’s about being who you want to be and having the power to behave how you wish.

If you’re learning how to be a maneater, you need to learn what makes you feel good. Dating and relationships can have an effect on your self-esteem. When things are going well, you feel great about yourself. However, when you face a couple of rejections in a row, you might start to doubt yourself. Even the most confident people have dips in their self-esteem sometimes.

By building a solid foundation for your self-esteem, you can better empower yourself through the process. It will help you to embrace what you like, whether that’s BDSM, adult cosplay, or plain old sex.

For many singles, meaningful connections are a way to feel fulfilled. Of course, these connections don’t have to be romantic. You can empower yourself and fuel your confidence through meaningful, fulfilling relationships with friends and family.

Don’t be afraid to ‘date yourself’ in the process of becoming a maneater. Prioritize your wants and needs, go out on solo dates, and discover what you like. That way, you can find out what makes you tick. This will help you to feel empowered in your relationships with others.

Want To Practice How To Be a Maneater? Meet Men on DoubleList!

Are you ready to go on the prowl and meet men? Now that you’ve learned how to be a maneater, you’re ready to get started. And what better place to meet local men than through DoubleList?!

At DoubleList, we are an open-minded community where anything goes. You can find men near you by posting personal ads to find those interested in casual relationships. It’s easier than ever to meet singles who do the same things as you, so why not get involved?

Don’t hesitate; sign up for DoubleList today!

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