Dating Advice for Men Looking For Meaningful Relationships

Doublelist Team

September 6, 2023 10 minutes read
Connect with straight, gay, bi and curious!

Dating in the modern world can be tough. There’s a lot to juggle, including meeting people online, fast-paced dating, and modern hookup culture. While this can be fun and exciting, it can make it hard to form meaningful connections.

If you’re ready to start dating properly and find the love of your life, then look no further. In this guide, we’ll cover dating advice for men. Whether you want to find love, improve your sex life, or meet singles online, our DoubleList guide will help you.

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The Best Dating Advice for Men That Are Single

Are you a single man struggling to find meaningful connections? Or do you just want to have fun in your single years? Here’s the best dating advice for men that are single and ready to meet potential partners.

  • Practice your confidence. Believing in yourself can be tricky if you don’t have natural confidence. Work on building your self-esteem when it comes to dating. Challenge your negative thoughts and replace them with positive affirmations. Take the time to work out frequently, as it’s important to look after both your physical and mental health.
  • Stay authentic. Being genuine and authentic is essential when meeting potential partners. Putting on a front and pretending to be something you’re not will make it more difficult to make meaningful connections.
  • Respect boundaries and consent. This may seem obvious, but you should always respect your date and prioritize their boundaries. Consent is crucial to any interaction. Don’t be pushy, and take the time to listen to their needs.
  • Be a good listener. Don’t bulldoze over an actual conversation with your date. Engage in mutual conversations. Share your own stories and experiences, but take the time to listen too.
  • Take care of your physical appearance. Your looks aren’t everything, but taking care of your physical health can help you build confidence. Exercise releases endorphins, which will make you feel more positive about going out and meeting people.
  • Dress stylishly. Easily stand out with stylish clothing. Stay on top of trends and modern style to impress your date and give you a better chance of success. If you’re totally lost, hire a personal shopper to take over your wardrobe – you won’t regret it.
  • Learn from rejection. Being rejected is all part of being single. Rather than taking them personally, work to learn from the experience. Use feedback to improve your dates.

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Dating Advice for Men That Are in a Relationship

Whether you’re in a new or long-term relationship, you can always improve your love life. Maintaining a healthy relationship requires ongoing effort and good communication. Here’s some dating advice for men who are in a committed relationship.

  • Practice open communication. Actively communicating your thoughts and feelings leads to a strong foundation in any relationship. Be open and honest with your partner when it comes to your feelings, thoughts, and concerns. Don’t approach difficult conversations with hostility – listen first, react later.
  • Spend quality time together. Whether going on dates, enjoying shared hobbies, or relaxing together, you need to spend time with your partner. Quality time strengthens your bond, helping you to connect on a deeper level.
  • Respecting boundaries. Communicate and listen to your partner’s boundaries. This allows you to maintain a happy relationship and avoid future arguments. If you’re struggling to do this, visit a relationship coach. They will be able to pinpoint where you’re going wrong.
  • Show appreciation. Express gratitude for every little thing your partner does. Did they pick up a coffee for you? Tell them how much you appreciate it! Feeling appreciated boosts both your happiness levels.
  • Keep the romance alive. You may love each other, but the spark may die unless you regularly perform romantic gestures. Keep the romance alive by surprising your partner with gifts or planning spontaneous dates.
  • Offer emotional support. Be there for your partner emotionally. Provide a safe space for them to share their feelings and concerns, no matter how small. Actively listen to any concerns and provide sympathy when times get tough.
  • Apologize and forgive: Apologize sincerely when you’re wrong, and be ready to forgive when your partner apologizes. Holding grudges can damage the relationship and lead to hostility in the long term.

Dating Advice for Men That Want to Improve Their Sex Life

Whether you’re single or in a relationship, there’s always time to work on your sex life. Having regular, mindblowing sex can do wonders for your emotional and physical well-being. Here’s some dating advice for men who want to improve their sex lives and have a happy life.

  • Open communication. Communication is absolutely essential when it comes to your sex life. Talk to your partner openly about your desires, fantasies, boundaries, and concerns. Encourage them to do the same.
  • Listen to your partner. Pay attention to your partner’s verbal and nonverbal cues during intimate moments. This helps you understand their needs and preferences. Pay attention to erogenous zones like the neck and ears.
  • Prioritize emotional intimacy. Emotional connection enhances physical intimacy. Spend quality time together outside the bedroom, engage in deep conversations, and nurture your emotional bond.
  • Explore together. Try new things together in different positions, practice role-playing, or incorporate adult toys. Experimentation can keep things exciting.
  • Learn about pleasure. Educate yourself about sexual health, anatomy, and pleasure. This knowledge can help you better understand your partner’s needs and your own.
  • Focus on foreplay. Don’t rush into penetrative sex. Spend time on foreplay, including kissing, touching, and other forms of sensual stimulation.
  • Be present. During intimate moments, be fully present and engage with your partner. Mindfulness can enhance the experience for both of you.
  • Take your time. Slow down and enjoy the journey. Focus on the sensations and connection rather than rushing toward orgasm.
  • Practice mutual consent. Consent is ongoing, even within a long-term relationship. Check-in with your partner before trying something new, and respect their comfort level.

The Best Dating Advice for Men Meeting People Online

Online dating and relationships now dominate the dating world. If you’ve never set up an online profile before, or you’re not having much luck online, we’ve got you! Here’s the best dating advice for men meeting potential partners virtually.

  • Choose the right platform for you. Choose a dating app or website that aligns with your dating goals and preferences. Different platforms cater to different types of relationships. For instance, if you want a hookup, you may want to use sites like Grindr or Doublelist. If you want a relationship, try
  • Create a thoughtful and engaging profile. Your profile should be authentic and showcase your personality. Use clear, recent photos and write a well-thought-out bio that highlights your interests and what you’re looking for.
  • Be respectful. Treat every interaction with respect. Avoid offensive language, inappropriate comments, or aggressive sexual behavior. This will get you nowhere, even if you’re looking for a hookup.
  • Have meaningful conversations. When starting conversations, avoid generic and bland openers. Question them on something from their profile to show you’ve taken the time to read it.
  • Ask open-ended questions. To keep the conversation flowing, ask questions that require more than a yes/no answer. This encourages meaningful dialogue. Ask them about their hobbies and interests while keeping open conversations light and playful.
  • Manage your expectations. Not every date will lead to a relationship. Keep your expectations realistic and be open to meeting different types of people. Enjoy every date as it comes, and don’t put too much pressure on yourself to meet the one.

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Dating Advice for Men Going On In-Person Dates

Dating in person can be an exciting yet nerve-wracking experience. Every date will come with different obstacles, but you can adopt some fail-safe tips to make your experience more enjoyable. Here’s some dating advice for men taking the plunge and going on dates in person.

  • Choose a comfortable venue. Select a venue that allows for conversation and connection. Coffee shops, casual restaurants, or parks can be good choices. Choose somewhere public to put both you and your date at ease.
  • Dress appropriately. Dress in a way that makes you feel confident and matches the venue and activity. It’s better to be slightly overdressed than underdressed. Try to match the latest styles to impress your date.
  • Greet with enthusiasm. Greet your date with a genuine smile and warm hello. A positive first impression sets the stage for a great date. Try to have an open body posture – don’t cross your arms or legs.
  • Engage in active listening. Listen attentively to what your date is saying. Show interest by asking follow-up questions. Try to keep conversations light and flirtatious. Save deep conversations for the second date. Avoid negative subjects like past relationships or personal problems.
  • Maintain eye contact. Eye contact signals your attentiveness and interest in the conversation. If you struggle with eye contact or are nervous, focus on the middle of your date’s nose instead.
  • Put away your phone. Keep your phone out of sight and on silent mode to avoid distractions. Constantly checking your phone is a surefire way to turn your date off.
  • Be yourself. Authenticity is key. Be genuine and let your true personality shine through. Don’t hide behind a facade, as this will only lead to disappointment later down the line.

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Christian Dating Advice for Men Looking for Love

As a Christian man, you will have different values and considerations when it comes to dating. It’s important to keep an open mind and look for potential dates that also prioritize faith. Here’s some Christian dating advice for men seeking love and spiritual connections.

  • Prioritize your faith. Make sure your faith in God is your foundation. Seek a partner who shares your Christian values and beliefs.
  • Pray for guidance. Pray for guidance in your dating journey. Ask for wisdom in making choices that align with your faith.
  • Be patient. Trust in God’s timing. Be patient and avoid rushing into a relationship just to be in one.
  • Seek a Christian partner. Look for someone who prioritizes their relationship with God. Shared faith can strengthen your relationship.
  • Get involved in church activities. Participate in church events, small groups, or volunteer opportunities. This can help you meet like-minded singles looking for love.
  • Practice purity. Maintain physical and emotional purity in your dating relationship. Uphold biblical principles regarding intimacy and boundaries.
  • Honor and respect. Treat your date with honor and respect, just as you would a fellow brother or sister in Christ.
  • Shared values. Look for someone who shares your core values, including faith, family, and life goals.
  • Trust God’s plan. Ultimately, trust that God has a plan for your love life. Surrender your desires and intentions to Him.

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