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Straight Stories

Holy orgasms, we are floored by your stories. One thing is for sure, you all are amazing! :) We have a blast reading all of them, and hope you can write and contribute yours! Add your story here.

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When I was younger, and in high school, I was known for my GPA. NOT grade point average mind you. GPA stood for great piece of ass. I was very popular with the boys, especially before and after

Posted by a straight woman

I posted looking for someone who had just a few minutes to take new profile pics for me. I added that I would return the favor as well. After two hours of nothing I received several responses all

Posted by a straight man

First time being a bottom, I’m bi I think cause I like to sleep with women but sucking big dick is fun to me. So I had gave this guy I met on here head twice and the third time we met I asked

Posted by a straight man

Ad said he wanted to work a guy's ass with his dildo's. Got me thinking .... could be fun. Emailed the guy to see if we could set something up. Said we could meet that afternoon. He

Posted by a straight man

I am a married straight man. Chubby but good looking Guyanese Indian. I love woman but I have a thing for some good dick. But I always had an issue finding someone to play with that's serious. Last

Posted by a straight man

PART !: TAKEN It's 2 o'clock in the morning. I hear a noise. I think nothing of it and try to drift back off to sleep. Then I heart it again. It sounds like its at my back door. I stay in

Posted by a straight man

Ok I’m bi One afternoon I was reading the ads here on DL. I was going through the couple for him section. I saw an ad from a couple looking for a third to join them. I answered the ad and

Posted by a straight man

So, I just got a message on whatsapp, from a girl I hooked up with a year ago. I'd met Wanda at a bar one night and we hit it off quite well. She was 22 years old and a student at the

Posted by a straight man

This is a bi story actually. I had a friend, Jeff, I started sucking, but he would always stop me before he came, he just enjoyed being sucked while he drove around for a bit. One time, we were

Posted by a straight man

I'm a young guy working in the remodeling industry, still learning. We go to a home to do some painting. My boss tells me the lady who owns the house is a little weird and likes to walk around

Posted by a straight man

When I was around 22-23 yrs old I got married to a woman around my age. Everything was great until her dad was in a car accident in the state they lived in. Times were tough for him so my wife asked

Posted by a straight man

Well well i for real really do not have no dang hot freaking story not at all I wish I really did that really fucking would really be nice as hell I really would like and love to really for real

Posted by a straight woman

I lost the last hand of strip poker on purpose, but don't tell my hubby that. His friend was cute and was a great kisser with soft lips. So there i sat on the living room floor naked, as my

Posted by a straight woman

I was 27 at the time and was very intoxicated and had never been with a guy before… I made a post on CL when it allowed it and long story short I started msging someone that I thought was a

Posted by a straight man

When I was young I used to mow the lawns around the neighborhood and made money. I was mowing Mrs, Chapmans the lady down the streets lawn and when I was done her next door neighbor asked me what i

Posted by a straight man

just a few days ago i had the best blow job ever at my place and we meet up once in awhile and it turn that we both love doing 69 but still i do miss the guys up north

Posted by a straight man

When I was a young college student I worked two jobs in addition to full time class load. This left me with very little time to date but this didn't prevent me from getting horny. I posted an

Posted by a straight man

My story takes place when a friend had me house sit for her. While I was house sitting I got on doublelist. I was just looking to experiment. I was 23 at the time when I got a response from a 47 year

Posted by a straight man

My story takes place when a friend had me house sit for her. While I was house sitting I got on doublelist. I was just looking to experiment. I was 23 at the time when I got a response from a 47 year

Posted by a straight man

Well here goes …I’m a BI WM who loves eating pussy and making hot honey holes squirt ! But lately I’ve had dick on my mind so I surfed DL It was a bunch of pic collectors so I

Posted by a straight man

Glad I married her part 2 She told me the more thought about it the more curious she got and even a little excited, here was her suggestion, we were going on vacation in a couple of weeks to the

Posted by a straight man

Glad I married her part 2 She told me the more thought about it the more curious she got and even a little excited, here was her suggestion, we were going on vacation in a couple of weeks to the

Posted by a straight man

Glad I married her part 1 Told my soon to be wife that I had a deep down secret that I needed to tell her before we got married so she could back out of marriage if she wanted to. We had been going

Posted by a straight man

I posted an ad looking for a female into breast worship and received a response from an older woman who was very interested in meeting, she replied with a photo of an amazing set of tits, perfect

Posted by a straight man

This may seem weird but I always thought my dad was stellar, funny , handsome always worked out had good job but I found him sexy. He always know what best and treated me well.. growing into my

Posted by a straight woman


Add My Story

ps. here's the things we've learned from your stories:

  • You are all great, no seriously, it takes courage and initiative to write a story and that tells us how great you are.
  • You are all remarkably open, willing to try new things, and fun!
  • Most people on the site are extremely gracious, nice and respectful.
  • You mentioned that some people are flaky, or only want to exchange pictures (booo! teases!!).
  • You wish the system was improved (yes, big upgrades are rolling out very very shortly)!!
  • You mentioned you wish we weren't so adamant on the language (we know, we're working on finding the sweet zone for safety and your satisfaction!)

We've learned a lot more from you this time around, and we are back at work on improving the things you need us to do. Many big improvements and upgrades are coming shortly, and we hope you understand we're doing our best to provide you with the best experience we can.

Want to share you story? Tell us all about it here:Tell your story.