Good Headline for Dating Site: Capture People’s Attention

Doublelist Team

August 28, 2023 10 minutes read
Connect with straight, gay, bi and curious!

The online dating world is vast and full of possibilities. Although this certainly has advantages, it can be challenging to stand out. With so many users on every dating site, you may wonder what you can do to catch someone’s attention. Well, one of the most persuasive ways is creating a good headline for dating site!

A good headline is the initial hook. Without that, you may struggle to gain any attention. Combining a good headline with great photos is essential for a good dating profile! So let’s take a look at how you can create great headlines and find dates in no time.


What Is a Dating Site Headline and Why Do You Need One?

A dating site headline is the introduction piece you write about yourself. This small snippet of info is a ‘headline’ of who you are and what you want.

A good headline for dating site is an essential piece of information. You want to give people enough information to entice them whilst leaving some things to the imagination. A good profile headline for a dating site will allow users to decide if you’re a worthy match.

Why a Good Headline for Dating Site Increases Your Odds

Are you curious about why a good headline for dating site would increase your chances of finding a potential match? What is it about this little snippet of knowledge that draws people in? Let’s take a look!

Good Headline for Dating Site – Getting Close and Personal

One of the best reasons for incorporating a good headline is the simple act of being more personal. Dating sites can feel a little impersonal at the start. Headlines add a personal touch and allow other users to see who you really are from the get-go.

You can include whatever personal information you want. Your name, age and location are apparent personal information you can have. But don’t be afraid to go outside the box in your dating profile. Are you a dog or cat person? What’s your star sign? The seemingly small, personal details in a heading can make a world of difference.


Good Headline for Dating Site – Unleash Your Personality

Are you a quirky, fun person? Perhaps you’re more mysterious or introverted? Whatever your character, a good headline for dating site is a great way to get this across. This lets others know what kind of person you are exactly. This can help you and others decide if your personalities are a potential match. Remember – sometimes opposites attract!

Are you a flirt? Try a raunchy headline. Do you have an artistic soul and want to find others like you? Perhaps you’re a funny person – try including a joke. There are endless ways to get your personality through in your headline.

Good Headline for Dating Site – Express Your Desires

Picture this; you find someone attractive, message for a while and become very interested in setting up potential dates. However, after a while, you realize you’re both looking for very different things. This is a common scenario in the online dating world and one that can be discouraging. A good headline for dating site can include your explicit desires and cravings.

What exactly are you searching for? The love of your life, or a kinky hookup? You can include your exact desires for everyone to see, which weeds out any incompatible users. This can speed up the overall process and help you find dates faster.

Good Headline for Dating Site – Let’s Dive In

Now we know the significance of a good headline for dating site. Are you wondering how to create one? What makes a headline stand out versus one that misses the mark?

  • Short and sweet: We all know the saying, less is more. Well, a good headline for dating site doesn’t need to comprise your entire life story. Keep them wondering by giving just the right amount of information. You want to get them interested, but leave with plenty of questions!

    A short and sweet headline can be an excellent summary of who you are and what you want. For example, you could try something like: “Looking for my Netflix & chill”.

  • Stand out from the crowd: Have you got an interest in something? Are you an avid music lover? Maybe you’re a Harry Potter fan or obsessed with the Arctic Monkeys. Whatever the case, your headline should showcase your interests.

    This can be an exciting way to catch people’s attention. You could try a cheeky movie quote like “Try and slither into my DM’s’ ‘, for HP fans. Alternatively, there are thousands of song lyrics that work as memorable headlines.

  • Be honest: We know the fuss of putting together an eye-catching headline may not be for everyone. Since honesty is the best policy, sometimes, a straightforward headline is what you need.

    Ignore the fluff and just be yourself. Imagine you are summarising the basics and the exciting pieces about yourself. Are you an astrology fan? Movie fanatic? Perhaps you love festivals and never fail to miss one. Whatever meaningful information about yourself you want someone to know, add it to your headline.

Good Dating Site Headlines For Guys – Catch Their Attention

There is no shortage of men on dating sites. In fact, men are 150% more likely to use dating sites than women. With so many males, standing out can be challenging. A good dating site headline for guys is essential for gripping a person’s attention. So how can guys create a good headline for dating site?

The key to concocting good headlines for dating sites is a balance between revealing a little and leaving them wondering.

Stereotypical, cliche, pick-up lines: 

Some people love them; others hate them. Either way, these pickup lines have stood the test of time. A cliche pickup line can be a funny icebreaker to keep people interested. Perhaps they want to answer your pickup line or think it’s endearing you used such a cliche. Either way, if it works, it works.

Think, “Did it hurt? When you fell from heaven”  or “Are you from Tennessee? Because you’re the only 10, I see”! Check out some of these pickup lines you can use in your headline.

Funny and quirky headlines:
Put the fun and silliness back into dating with a quirky and funny headline. Are you the kind of person who naturally enjoys humor? If so, it may be essential for you to find someone who shares that humor. A funny headline can help find the people who match your vibe.

You could use stereotypical lines like “Netflix and chill?” or you can become inventive and think of your own! “Try a funny headline like: “Looking for a super-serious relationship that ends in an uber messy divorce”. A good headline for dating site can have people laughing and hooked.


Good Headline for a Dating Site, Female Edition

When thinking of a good headline for a dating site, female edition, there are various ways you can approach it. An eHarmony survey found that four main words tend to gain the most engagement for women on a dating profile. ‘Sweet, ambitious, thoughtful and spontaneous’ are the keywords that grab guys’ attention!

So if you’re searching for a good headline for dating site, incorporating these four keywords could work in your favor.

Headlines for women, including the top 4 words: 

You can try a descriptive headline of yourself using all of those words. For example, “A sweet, ambitious, thoughtful and spontaneous woman looking for a sexy hookup.”

Alternatively, you can make your headline quirky while including one or more of these words. For example: “Are you my ambitions? Because I’ll never quit on you”. Feel free to have some fun with your good headline for dating site, and don’t take it too seriously.

However, if these are not words that define you, don’t use them! Just because something is popular is not the only way to meet someone. One of the most attractive things a human can be is themselves.

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Creating a Good Headline for Dating Site – What To Avoid

A good headline for dating site can include anything you want. However, there are some things to avoid. This can either be due to personal safety online or just some things that aren’t useful in a headline!

Avoid being too generic: Generic statements in your dating headline can make it seem like you’re not interested in making an effort. Make your headline personal and specific. Try to avoid overused and generic statements such as, “I like to hang out with my friends”.

Don’t overshare personal details: This mainly concerns your online safety. It’s fine to include a general location but not your exact address. Avoid displaying your phone number, email address or social media accounts. If someone wants to know you outside of a dating profile, you can hand over that information when you’re comfortable.

Avoid too much negativity: We know you want to ensure you meet people who are a potential match. However, including lines of things you don’t want in a partner can seem too picky or judgemental. Instead, try rewriting it as a positive.

Instead of “Not looking for anyone lazy”, try “Fitness and activity are essential to me.” Not only will it be more likely to attract someone similar, but it will help you come across better!

Not updating your headline: Yes, we understand that picking out that awesome headline the first time was hard enough! But if you want to stay fresh and relevant, it’s a good idea to update the headline on your profile. It doesn’t have to be every single week. Just somewhat regularly. A new headline may catch someone’s attention!

Woman in bed with an eggplant

Are You Ready To Use That Great Headline? Try DoubleList!

Has this article inspired you to create a good headline for dating site? Or perhaps you already knew what you wanted to say, but now you need the where. Look no further than DoubleList. This dating website has an active user base of over 3 million people to connect with. We are available worldwide so that you can get your freak on internationally.

A DoubleList profile allows users to post pictures, headlines and other features on your dating profile. You can then post a personal ad to let others know what you’re searching for. Alternatively, you can check out other users’ ads!

Good Headline for Dating Profile: Why Choose DoubleList?

  • Finding potential dates or hookups shouldn’t be expensive, and with DoubleList, they don’t have to be. Our free subscription package is ideal for dipping your toes in the dating scene. If you want to experience the very best of DoubleList benefits, we offer paid subscription services too. From as low as $10 per month, you can unlock a world of dating potential.
  • Integrated filters are a part of DoubleList’s interface and make finding your dates easier. You can filter for those in your area, casual sex or long-term relationships. DoubleList’s integrated filters allow you to save time and surf through dating profiles more easily.

Last but not least, DoubleList has a super simple signup process. You can register today, completely anonymously and for free. We also offer paid versions for when you want to interact with more people. The paid subscriptions increase your daily message and ad post limits. You can also engage with more posts daily which is ideal if you’re looking to spread your wings.

Taking only a few minutes to get set up, you can unlock all of your desires on DoubleList. Regardless of your sexual orientation, you can find what you’re looking for. You can use DoubleList to find dates and hookups or to connect with like-minded people online simply.

Hopefully, our post on writing a good headline for dating profile has given you some ideas. Explore your kinky side on DoubleList! As an open, non-judgemental platform, we welcome everyone. What are you waiting for? Sign up today!

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